2019 – Ongoing, Muelaner Engineering Ltd
2013 – 2019, University of Bath, Research Fellow
The Light Controlled Factory (LCF) project has created new metrology for large-scale high-value products such as aircraft and wind turbines. I designed a new type of interferometer and created novel uncertainty methods.
2010 –2013 University of Bath, LIMA Technical Manager
This ERDF funded project worked with 250 SME’s to improve manufacturing. I was responsible for 5 engineers and for the major development projects.
2007 – 2010 University of Bath, Technical Contact for LIMA
In this role, I acted as Technical Lead for metrology on the €100M Airbus Advanced Low-Cost Aircraft Structures project and Next Generation Composite Wing State of the Art Review. I worked with the National Physical Laboratory on instrument verification and Bridge surveys.
2004 – 2007 Streamline Outsource Ltd, Director
This was my independent consultancy business delivering engineering design and analysis for a wide range of manufacturing businesses leading projects of up to £3M.
2002 – 2004 Yeoman Stoves Ltd Project Engineer
Statistical process control, design of steel fabrications and design of domestic gas fires.
2002 Riverford Organic Project Engineer
Feasibility study of heat recovery from refrigeration plant
Previous Employment
Math’s tutor, bicycle mechanic and salesperson.
2020 – 2022 Quantic, Executive MBA
Online MBA course, with a focus on the development of BriefBike business.
2007 – 2011 University of Bath, PhD in Metrology Assisted Assembly
Design of aircraft structures for Measurement assisted assembly
Measurement uncertainty analysis including Monte Carlo Simulation
Development of a closed loop robotic assembly process for Airbus UK.
2000 – 2004 University of Exeter, MEng in Mechanical Engineering (2.1)
Computational Engineering focus
1995 – 1997 Truro College, A-Level’s / NVQ
A-Level Maths, Technology and Politics, NVQ-3 in Business